Home > 山口の自然遺産 (Natural assets of Yamaguchi prefecture)

山口の自然遺産 (Natural assets of Yamaguchi prefecture)


The Consortium of Museum and University in Yamaguchi prefecture was established in 2008 by Yamaguchi University and the museums of Yamaguchi prefecture. Its purposes are is 1) Learning from natural environment and assets, 2) Preserving natural assets, and 3) Disseminating information about the natural history and natural science of Yamaguchi prefecture. The areas included in the explanation of this leaflet are areas of abundant nature in which Yamaguchi prefecture takes great pride. The consortium selected natural assets by evaluating such areas as natural beauty, scientific importance, rarity, and environmental conservation. This leaflet includes magnificent natural assets to be conserved for future generations.


Home > 山口の自然遺産 (Natural assets of Yamaguchi prefecture)

山口の自然遺産 自然遺産フォトギャラリー 博物館・大学連携協議会 ネイチャリングマップ
